"Maka (tetapkanlah kepercayaanmu) Bahawa Sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan" ( Al-Insyirah : 5)

Monday, December 13, 2010

1st DAY on sem 2...

Hari ini hari 1st masuk lecture hall utk sem 2... Rase berat jer...(coz bw keropok kiri kanan utk dijual) hehe..

10.30am....subjek : ORGANIC CHEMISTRY

Mcm biase bile masuk lecture hall mesti usha tgk kot2 lecturer dah masuk blom... hehe..x masuk agi...so leh r cari2 port yg sesuai dlu... then..ble lecturer masuk...ades!! projector pulak x pasang...jadi aku dgn selamba nyer trus g depan 'on' kan butang die... projector ni rasenya dah beribu kali lemon buat aduan kt opis suh tukar coz masalah kabur yg x dpt diatasi...ntah ape hal nya..smpai skng x tukar2..then lau ade pe2 event mesti ssh benor nk face up..asik ad mslh teknikal jer...malu seyh lau ada paperwork presentation ttbe jer projector buat hal....mslah kecik tp leh pudarkan prestasi universiti nii... ~ermm

ok..back to the story...dah namanya organic chem..mesti r x lari drpd kategori ALKANE, ALKENE, ALDEHYDE, KETONE, & etc... time CFS dlu blaja smpai 10 jer C-chain..tapi skng dah masuk 20...xtau dah nak bagi nama ape...hehehe...sib bek Dr bagitau...lau nk tggu kitog bagi nama..alamatnya berkulatlah kat situ...hahahaha...pastu plak..disuruh oleh beliau utk kenal pasti compound n namakan ikut IUPAC name....GOSH!! aku dah lupee.... kata beliau :

"u must have been remembered 99% all those steps to name the compound since u hv learned in CFS and perhaps 1% u hv forgotten "
 BUT....i bet....the vice versa.....arrrrgghh!!

dan..yg paling bez nyer bile... 
"how about doing the quiz tomorrow?? it is juz about the IUPAC nomenclature anyway"
 what??! Oh my Prada!! No...no...no...sir! (i was like...ah??! *with blinking eyes*) we just entered the sem 2 and the 2nd day we have been facing the QUIZ??! tooo awesome! waaawaa...

11.30...subjek: BIOCHEMISTRY

 lecturer kata...bile beliau tya kat senior the opinion bout this subject..dorg kata...subjek ni yg tough...~errmm...~ then...bile masuk sem 3, sem 4...diorg kata subjek len lagi tougher drpd biochem..huhuhu...lecture 1st ni...xde pape2 lagi..juz intro sal basic jer...intro baru...so...agak x berat lagi laa...tapi rasenya utk next lectures...it would be a great pleasure to face up all the lectures with soooo many slides...hahahaa

as a conclusion : dah tibe masanya utk start pegang bku kembali... n study! study!! study!!!


  1. Alhamdulillah, dah masuk sem 2 dah pun kawan aku sorang ni. Moga lepas ni jadi orang yang lebih rajin dan berjaya jadi ahli farmasi. belajar lek lok eh.

  2. insyaAllah...tapi en..byk cabaran kn time blaja nii...huhu3..tq 4 the advice.. u too..jgn lupe stdy utk exam...jgn dok asik update blog jaa..hehehe..


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